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Well is over and I got a lot of great art out of it! I didn't get every day but I sure did a lot of them :3

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🩸 Love Bites 🩸

piece for

We met because of these two, so it's tradition for us to draw them for certain occasions (including fictional dates). Halloween happens to be MZ's birthday, so this particular piece is a bit more spicy <3


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So I had originally sketched this Raph redesign out at the end of September, and then just forgot to finish it up due to trying to keep up with Goretober ( ╥ω╥ ) so have it now I guess. I’ll post all the boys together after this :)

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Goretober Day 31 the final day Halloween I really enjoyed making silly doodle's every

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Goretober day 31 - free day

This one is a fav! its very simple but i like the mood it has

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Goretober day 30 - decay

This one is another that in contention for the top faves

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Goretober day 28 - extra limbs/mutation, day 29 - arrows

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Goretober day 27 - amputation

this one isnt as high up on the list for faves as some; but i do rather like it.

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Goretober day - 26 ritual
This one i took forever on; but i love how it came out (that back is mwah); this one is either the 1st or second top one for this year for me

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Goretober day 24 - crystal growth, 25 - cannibalism

Def some of my faves this year! Def shows their personalities lol

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tw// Gummy gore Guts

goretober day 12 - cut up, day 13 - guts

Honestly love doing gummy gore! May do some outside of goretober

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Goretober day 11 - hunter/hunted

did i reuse a bg; no..no i did not

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//a bit of blood on last one
Goretobers : day 8 - Phobia, day 9 - rage, day 10 - Thorns

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tw// decent amount of blood on the second pic

Goretober day 6 - Bleeding, day 7 - cuts/lacerations

I actually like how both of these came out~

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Goretober - Day 2 Cryptid monster

One of my faves this year! ( i went to hard on the bg lol)

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