actually I think japan exists in canon
sternbild might just be an american-esque city with a lot of japanese immigrants, so many that it affects the culture, so even guys like Bunny have some kanji knowledge

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Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

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Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

0 0

Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

0 0

Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

0 0

Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

0 1

Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

0 0

Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

0 0

Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

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Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

0 2

Drowned Hopes

Dedicated to all migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea in search of freedom

0 7

Sounds great unless your not part of the faith, ask women, minorities, trans communities, drag queens, children, immigrants, all of those groups have to bend to your freedoms at the cost of their rights as Americans

0 0

The Pool Membership role requires an OG with No Clothes and grants you access to exclusive events and giveaways.

20 26

.035Ξ mint grants KRΞW membership. It also:

🌱 plants a tree irl
🔓 unlocks a free Karmz NFT
🍻 grants access to the Lounge
💰 earns $KRMA for hodling
🗺️ gives access to what we do next… and next is here 🔥

7 13

Flyday with the flyest Krew out there. 💜
.035Ξ mint grants KRΞW membership. It also:
🌱 plants a tree irl
🔓 unlocks a free Karmz NFT
🍻 grants access to the Lounge
💰 earns $KRMA for hodling 🦎
🦎🦎🦎Karmic Vibes Activate! 🦎🦎🦎

11 19

He’s a little untidy as I have shaky hands today. I think I’m gonna do a bunch of these 90s ones…probably Dr Weir/Grant next. Maybe Dr Weir in Grants clothing. Oh- this is the Last Action Villain, with a lannister seal cause why not lol

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Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count -1). At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 per attack on foe and Atk/Def -6 on foe during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack), and also, if unit is transformed, grants Special coold

0 1

Today’s Mutant of the day is Mortimer Toynbee A.K.A Toad!

Toad's primary power is the ability to leap to heights and distances far greater than an ordinary human. He has a degree of superhuman strength, particularly in his legs, which grants him his superior leaping abilities!

21 105