Two winners so far! and ! Who wants to be next? 🙂 Get out your pens, pencils, markers, or virtual tools, and learn to draw some sketch notes with me! 😃 Never too late to start!

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A sneak peek of some illustrations I created during conversations with people living with dementia/Alzheimer's for a project in Blyth last week.

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Inside of the head is invisible. Discussion may lead to misunderstanding, without drawings that show each idea.

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Such a great day at the Member Excellence conference earlier this month. The whole thing was a bigger brighter version of what it always is - an inspirational day looking at how to bring true member value and enagagement!

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Ich war gestern beim 25. Geburtstag der eingeladen und durfte visuell protokollieren. Es ging um die Zukunft des Fernsehens und Jugendmedienschutz und das war alles ziemlich spannend!

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I'm Gillian - I am a cartoonist, illustrator, brush letterer and graphic recorder (and FRIEND) working in Toronto!

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bei interessanter Vortrag von Natalia Krüger beim Ascenso Sport- und Tourismuskongress und Impressionen aus der Diskussion im Worldcafe

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No es sólo dibujar: es hacer que el conocimento y el diálogo se hagan visibles. Y ahí es cuando empieza la "magia" en una

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I'm Gillian, a Toronto cartoonist, letterer, painter and graphic recorder. I'm working on a graphic novel for kids for (Dial Books for Young Readers) due in 2020, & adore and work.

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Finished from Welsh Transport Conference, enjoy!

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Drawing at a high school today, a grown up asked me if I’m a student 👩‍🎓😂

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