ルカ/LUKE 2:11
引用<聖書 新改訳2017版>
聖書 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11 ESV

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詩篇/PSALM 30:7
引用<聖書 新改訳2017版>
聖書 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会
ESV(English standerd Version

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ルカ/LUKE 12:32
引用<聖書 新改訳2017版>
聖書 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会
ESV(English standerd Version)

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第1テモテ/1TIMOTHY 6:7
引用<聖書 新改訳2017版>
聖書 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会
ESV(English standerd Version)

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This is my
of ! Acording to my friends I'm a pink, lazy, historical bear from Greace who wants to be shot. Everything cool.

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引用<聖書 新改訳第3版>
聖書 新改訳©2003 新日本聖書刊行会
Be merciful unto me, O God: for man would swallow me up; he fighting daily oppresseth me.
Psalms 56:1 KJV

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she is beauty she is greace................ (she is a trap but who cares)

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