Hagumi just locked themselves out of their own house!

2 15

Today’s bandori ship of the day is Hagurimi! (Hagumi x Rimi!) shy gf and her super energetic and sweet supportive gf! I think their dynamic is really wholesome 💖
(submitted by anon! thank you for the submission!)

18 99

Kitazawa Hagumi - Our Beginnings

4 27

i love mayoi, she's my babygirl, but she isn't hagumi kitazawa from hit rhythm game bang dream girls band party https://t.co/PpdEkRLh3k

0 5

Kitazawa Hagumi - Pouncing Rabbit

1 4

Hagumi has been playing Splatoon for 98 hours!

4 15

Kitazawa Hagumi - Grand Adventure!

1 6

today's bandori headcanon is that kaoru knows misaki is michelle but pretends not to for hagumi and kokoro !!!

103 755

Kitazawa Hagumi - For the Smiles!

4 8

daily bandori rarepair otd is hina and hagumi (hinagumi)!! this ship consists of Hina from pasupare!! and hagumi from harohappi!! study partners, they study together after school, hang out, go to restaurants, cafes, etc!!

8 29

Misaki and Hagumi practiced at CHU²'s Penthouse together!

1 3

aaside mutuals what are your thoughts on the headcannon that futa is hagumis older brother

1 4

🌎 Alongside this event will be the "Hanamaru! Private Lesson" gacha! ✏

Get your best grade with 4★ Hina and 4★ Hagumi!

📒 Gacha Details ↓

20 138

Kitazawa Hagumi - Eyes on Autumn

6 15

Kitazawa Hagumi - Our Beginnings

3 5