' With sore eyes by the dark.
it glistened as I go
You stand at the clear end of a saint '


0 1

unheard, unsung
the stories
that write us

5 32

tickling my kaleidoscope heart
into pieces
this crazy world

3 28

' It has to respect
And wondered to what I thought I required from you in the same as to live his or her life.
or her must exit into the head of each leaf coinciding with its can do incandescence '


0 0

' so does the dog and I look at the end of summer
a mosquito on the island in the temple garden
muggy night opening another window to view the bright red in the silence between tick '


0 1

' When the summer long.
in a space in the bridal house
1Once in Mexico an old man dreams of a carriage '


0 1

Check out my latest haiku and feel free to share your own.

65 56

' you are reflected
for you to come
this knowing in the '


0 0

' work in the
red leaves of the rain
the radio of '


0 4

' never an empty bowl
will you have cocktails on the improved sidewalk seems
Our labor realized in the dark place '


0 2

' Clear autumn locked in a photograph.
On the third day in the blood in the last angels hand
the serious ratio of the sky and singing '


0 2

' and mira Mister Baldy goes right into the neck of her sweatshirt
I'll drink of the moon rode over the floor.
On a day when yellow birds hovered in the museums of the back support brassieres and he makes her put a big bra '

0 3

' splash of a long
a tide full of moons
she wears a new mail '


0 0

' clear autumn locked in
on winter nights when the mind
she took it to the '


0 3

' When the summer trees have clad themselves in shade
a shared dessert is looking statistically improbable
tight Phrygian cap: Midas has asses ears! '


0 0

' and are withdrawn so that the world is bare
the freedom of speech brigade
swift floating by wild sea or sky undaunted '


0 1

' talk on their list
a mouse from the cloud smudged sky
the parents of the window '


1 0