Hallo, I'm Equilorian. I'm a digital artist working on a postapocalyptic science-fantasy comic called "And Then the Sky Began to Cry"
Right now I'm listening to a lot of Nevermore, but my fave bands of all time are probably Iron Maiden, Hammerfall, Dragonforce and Edguy

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..Looking down into those eyes, I know, I’ll be lost and never found again.
Kiss me once and i will surely melt and die, kiss me twice and I will never leave your side…
(Hammerfall - Dreams come true)

7 29

今日はThe Poodlesのヤコブさんも誕生日ー!!おめでとうございます🎂2/19ってきっとスウェーデンの素晴らしいシンガーが産まれる日なんですなぁ。#thepoodles

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