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There are birthday punches & then there are birthday kisses!
🎉🍰🎉❤🎉Happy Birthday Keith!🎉❤🎉🍰🎉

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SHHHHHH ITS KEITH'S BIRTHDAY AND WE'LL CELEBRATE ALL WEEK OK sjdjdke i finally finished his birthday draw for the playing w/ icing prompt ehehe ≖ω≖ less playing more baking pls

100 188

A few minutes late but still! Happy birthday to this amazing boy/man! He deserves the best ❤️

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he gets kisses from all the paladins

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I'm so happy for Keith and his big family

21 69

늦엇지만 아직 지구어딘가에서는 생일안떠낫어 ㅜ 사랑헌다 생일축하헌다 행복해라ㅜ

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Breaking News: Local boy gets emotional during his surprise party!

"I said I'm not crying!"

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