"There was no mistaking it this time: Voldemort's eyes flashed scarlet at her words & Harry saw his knuckles whiten on the locket's chain.
'- I daresay Burke paid her a pittance, but there you are... pretty, isn't it?"
— JKR (HBP20)

by Ottowl


1 8

"'And if Dobby does it wrong, Dobby will throw himself off the topmost tower, Harry Potter!'
'There won't be any need for that,' said Harry hastily."
— JKR (HBP19)

by Ottowl


0 4

"'I don't want to stay here overnight,' said Harry angrily, sitting up and throwing back his covers, 'I want to find McLaggen and kill him.'
'I'm afraid that would come under the heading of "overexertion"'
— JKR (HBP19)

by Laura Freeman


1 4

"'Er-my-nee,' croaked Ron unexpectedly from between them. They all fell silent, watching him anxiously, but after muttering incomprehensibly for a moment he merely started snoring"
— JKR (HBP19)

by Viria13


0 9

"'Dumbledore's man through and through, aren't you, Potter?'
'Yeah, I am,' said Harry. 'Glad we straightened that out.'"
— JKR (HBP16)

by ReallyCorking


1 14

"I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want them to do, without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who annoy me. I can make them hurt if I want to.”
— JKR (HBP13)

by Ottowl


2 6

"'What school's this then?'
'It is called Hogwarts,' said Dumbledore.
'And how come you're interested in Tom?'
'We believe he has qualities we are looking for.'”
— JKR (HBP13)

by Ottowl


2 11

"Then, six feet above the ground, Katie let out a terrible scream. Her eyes flew open but whatever she could see, or whatever she was feeling, was clearly causing her terrible anguish.”
— JKR (HBP12)

by Ottowl


0 7

"Harry sent Advanced Potion-Making flying in panic; Ron was dangling upside-down in midair as though an invisible hook had hoisted him up by the ankle.
'Sorry!' yelled Harry, as Dean & Seamus roared with laughter”
— JKR (HBP12)

by ReallyCorking


0 6

“‘His sister didn’t really try,’ said McLaggen menacingly. There was a vein pulsing in his temple like the one Harry often admired in Uncle Vernon’s. ‘She gave him an easy save.’
‘Rubbish,’ said Harry coldly”
— JKR (HBP11)

by Mieronna

1 10

"'Oh, come on, Harry,' said Hermione, suddenly impatient.
'It's not Quidditch that's popular, it's you! You've never been more interesting and frankly, you've never been more fanciable.’
Ron gagged on a large piece of kipper”
— JKR (HBP11)

by Makani

0 6

"From this point forth, we shall be leaving the firm foundation of fact and journeying together through the murky marshes of memory into thickets of wildest guesswork”
— JKR (HBP10)

by Ottowl


0 5

“‘I don’t reckon they’ll find you til the train’s back in London,’ he said quietly. ’See you around, Potter … or not.’”
— JKR (HBP7)

by Ottowl

0 10

“‘I mean, I might not even be at Hogwarts next year, what’s it matter to me if some fat old has-been likes me or not?’”
— JKR (HBP7)

by Bridget Haines


0 6

“‘Harry Potter! Where to begin? I feel I barely scratched the surface when we met over the summer!’
He contemplated Harry for a moment as though he were a particularly large and succulent piece of pheasant”
— JKR (HBP7)

by HogwartsHorror


0 1

"'He's a Death Eater,' said Harry slowly. 'He's replaced his father as a Death Eater!'
There was a silence, then Ron erupted in laughter.
'Malfoy? He's sixteen, Harry!”
— JKR (HBP7)

by VikingCarrot


1 9

“‘But we’re not selling them to our sister,’ he added, becoming suddenly stern, ’not when she’s already got about five boys on the go from what we’ve-‘
‘Whatever you’ve heard from Ron is a big fat lie,’ said Ginny calmly”
— JKR (HBP6)

by Viria13


0 2

"Why Are You Worrying About You-Know Who?
You SHOULD Be Worrying About
the Constipation Sensation That’s Gripping the Nation!”
— JKR (HBP6)

by Ottowl


1 6

"'You're actually disappointed, aren't you?'
Hermione shook her head, but Harry laughed.
'Well, we're N.E.W.T. students now!' grinned Ron."
— JKR (HBP5)

by Natello


1 6

“‘Oh, come off it,’ said Ron, striding over to her and whipping her results out of her hand. ‘Yep - ten “Outstandings” and one “Exceeds Expectations” in Defence Against the Dark Arts.’ He looked down at her, half-amused, half-exasperated.”
— JKR (HBP5)

by Abigail Larson

0 5