Though he did not accompany Antipater and his 30,000 men to Asian shores during the First War of the Successors, Lysimachus offered them support as they progressed through southern Thrace en-route to the Hellespont: access to provisions and local guidance seem likely

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Though he did not accompany Antipater and his 30,000 men to Asian shores during the First War of the Successors, Lysimachus offered them support as they progressed through southern Thrace en-route to the Hellespont: access to provisions and local guidance seem likely.

0 6

evolution of my style, featuring chiaki (u/ratchellesatchelle) via /r/ultimategamer by ryandtw

5 33

Though he did not accompany Antipater and his 30,000 men to Asian shores during the First Successor War, Lysimachus offered them support as they progressed through southern Thrace en-route to the Hellespont: access to provisions and local guidance seem likely

0 8

dibujé a Seychelles por primera vez omgggg

7 30

Corona-Skizzen 676: Weißer Krepp-Ingewer auf Mahe, Seychellen. Aquarell 18x26cm

5 71

The satrapy of Hellespontine Phrygia. This region was of vital, strategic importance as it controlled the Hellespont (Dardanelles), the gateway between Europe and Asia.

2 14

Corona-Skizzen 669: Sonnige Palmenstraße auf Mahé, Seychellen. Aquarell 18x26cm

4 79

I wanted to make a Bisexual Flag Recolor based on Chelles glasses in that new Dragalia Wyrmprint! (+An alt with the flag in her glasses)

2 8


Théodore Khelles, Aka le grand frère de Nethan !

Lionel a essayé de mélanger l'imaginaire et la réalité mais il a fini par craquer, avec une question.

Personne d'autre pouvait le déculpabiliser.

2 8

Though he did not accompany Antipater and his 30,000 men to Asian shores during the First Successor War, Lysimachus offered them support as they progressed through southern Thrace en-route to the Hellespont: access to provisions and local guidance seem likely.

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this one took the most amount of time so far. Coloration and patterning based off the Seychelles Blue-Pigeon, Crowned Pigeon, Panther Chameleon, and the Pink-Headed Fruit Dove.

153 952

« Et demain, dès l’aurore, pour peu que tu le veuilles, pour peu que ton cœur t’en dise, tu verras mes vaisseaux impatients flotter vers les eaux poissonneuses de l’Hellespont. »

Iliade, IX, 360.

12 118

Sir Artier and Lady Hellesena Bauss accept your invitation for the with great pleasure. They extend their sincerest apologies for their late arrival. 🌹🩸

「Art collab with (Sena's Artist & Creator)! Event hosted by ✨」

6 14

When did you purchase your first ?

Purchased my first Ape in June 2021 for 1 ETH while I was in Seychelles. My second Ape was in October 2021 while I was in Switzerland!

2 38

Dragon Ball Bellydancers (12) - Helles, the Godess, With wing veils

8 24

Supa Dupa 🙏 Supa Kool 😎 Birthday 🥳 Bo Derek
Actress, Honorary Green Beret, Swam the Hellespont, Former Horseracing Commissioner WildAid Board member. Bookable

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