HAYO!! Names Toby/Grimey. I’m Nicaraguan and I stream on twitch and make silly art sometimes !! (Content and art has been slow as of recent tho…)
https://t.co/n2Sdqx9jgN !!

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my art literally looks like poopoo tho…… but hey! Im also a local phone artist on this platform!!! :D

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I realized I never posted the drawing I did a while back of my besties OC Stella ~ ( people who follow me for a while already know I love to draw her more than my own characters. lol ) 👀
ft. Lye’s Juliette Outfit

I got rusty with drawing tho…

───── •✧✧• ─────

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Post your OC as
1. Romancible NPC
2. Quest Giver NPC
3. The final boss in a game

Trying to romance Daven might be a pain in the buttttt tho… https://t.co/Fb7p066y9p

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Thank you for my childhood.

‘Who… who am I?’

7 20

HAPPY PURIM 💖💖 im lydia i love music and comics (the sandman + doom patrol) and doctor who… here is some of my art

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Flipendo is an inherently funny word.
Probably not how you actually do the spell tho…

18 120

C¡quiackity: Luzu te extrañe mucho…
C¡Luzu: yo también te extrañe mi quacks

I love you soooooooo~
(El boceto es mejor que el lineart lpm 💀)

4 41

ART TRAIN ! Thank U for the tag!!!!!

tagging: (no one 💧 I don’t know who… Feel Free to join anyway!!) https://t.co/EDVejdUxAg

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Rosho’s birthday greeting from Sasara 2/2

“You’ve grown up so fast, Rosho… Is it just me or your glasses grown bigger as well? Just kidding, don’t glare at me like that! Happy birthday!”

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You really wish you had a gf tho…. Lets be real 💜💯🤣

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Euryphae 100 days of NFTs

Available for Ξ 0.05 

Link in comments

Meet Euryphae, the goddess born from the vapors of celestial inspiration and revered as an oracular divinity. Euryphae was known as the all-nourishing and all-producing mother goddess who… https://t.co/obIoQtRvdN

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4. Uhhh probably ren from dears. I don’t know if I’ll ever be talented enough to make a wig for her tho…

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I’ve ordered samples of these charm designs! Very excited to see how they turn out! 🫣

Still gotta decide on a sticker supplier tho…

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Brother truthing isn’t a hobby it’s a job discduo meetup when tho……

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