I'm using Simon vs The Homosapiens Agenda for my intro to literature class after reading it again a few weeks ago and seeing Simon everywhere! The kids are very clever and deserve a kickass book. Before they ask about extra credit, in March they can go watch the film! CLASS TRIP!

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Confirms identity (Quick Running Hedgehog of the blue variety) and executes it in a particular language known by homosapiens on earth.

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もう会期終わってしまった展示だけれど、素敵な絵だなぁと思ってつい持ち帰ったDM。谷口広樹さんの個展『homosapiensaru in PARADISE』。

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people who get their morning coffee vs homosapiens whom'st've at the break of morn attain a covfefe

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谷口広樹展「homosapiensaru in PARADISE」がいよいよ明日から始まります!谷口さんの楽園の風景が、壁という壁に、大小合わせて81点!見応えたっぷりです。先日までギャラリーで行っていた長田哲さんの作品もカフェスペースで再び展示中です!

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Les 3 dernières séquences du sont ouvertes ! Partez à la découverte de et https://t.co/ptPRHblO8P

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