11. (Final) Aitsu no Daihonmei (BL) - i have never read a more, sweet n tender BL manga, handsome student all the girls school want, but he doesnt care about them,,,he loves a fellow student (whos considered unattractive) who protected him from bullies when he was younger

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'Honmei Kareshi', el trabajo más reciente de la gran Masara Minase, será puesto a la venta el próximo 25/3 de la mano de Tokuma Shoten. Actualmente la autora se encuentra publicando la mini serie '29-Sai no Limit' en la revista Emerald.

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It's White Day in Japan! Let's remember when Cammy dressed up as a Maid and gave you tsundere Honmei choco

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チョコありがとうね💕 Are these honmei or giri 😳?
Let’s enjoy them together! Say “aaaahhh”

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Happy valentines day! ^w^ ❤💗💝💘💌❣💟💕💞💓💖

Heres muyak making Honmei choco for everyone and the rest of NSRtists
(Hope they gonna love it qwq)

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happy valentines day 💝

heres my chocolate for you
is it giri or honmei?
not telling~

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kaoru getting frantic that anzu might be making honmei choco for adonis. hes so cute

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...referred to as the Hero. In this case, since we know he's NOT the ateuma, we also know that he's the heroine's 'honmei' (本命) guy, or endgame. But for most of the story we're not sure. Does the heroine truly like him? That's where...

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