"Alright Nicole, hack the security systems, I'm going in!"

6 16

"For Freedom and Justice for all!"

6 18

🐿: Send me hugs and pictures of Sally!

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"Hmm? Can ya' explain it again Nicole? Please, just start from the beginning..."

Nicole: "Sally I've explained it four ti-"

"I know just one more okay?"

Nicole: "Very well Sally..."

3 9

"Let's fight for Love! Let's fight for Justice! Let's fight for Freedom!"


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"Let's make the world a better place!"

3 13

I want to hug and cuddle the cute and fluffy things! Sally does too! She can still fight the bads as a Freedom Fighter and enjoy cuddles if she wants!

Time for a Sally appreciation post.

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Replies tomorrow because I'm taking today off. But let's appreciate Sally!

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Sally appreciation tweet.

"We're the Freedom Fighters, and the no gooders don't stand a chance against our teamwork! Look out, cause here we come!"

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