My Daughter Dieudonnee (aka Alice Dieudonnee Chase), 1902

5 66

Se soffiassi nel mio cuore, vicino al mare, piangendo,
suonerebbe con rumore scuro, con suono di ruote
di treno assonnate,
come acque vacillanti,
come l'autunno in foglie,
come sangue,
con un rumore di fiamme umide che bruciano il cielo

A te che leggi Buon S. Valentino 🌻

9 43

Icon for Duketon ✨️

I betrayed him for never really introducing him to everyone idnidjdijdj
Basically uuhhhh
A stereotypical action hero type guy... yeeeaaah~

And named after Duke Nukem jdbdjdbsjskks (thx IAMmemegremlin for that lol)

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fiammetta doodle I did at school

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😭😭 one of them was "maybe a metal crab" and "little kid?" He could be best friends with fiammetta

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Fellow fiammettaless dokutah :')
Stay strong, we'll get this birb one day✊🏻

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happy new year everyone!
in 2023 I hope to be able to make even more and better Fiammetta art

8 31

Polite Spy, Dick Soupcan, Fiammetta/Weaselcake, Ninjaneer/Heavydile/Cakehole bros

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it’s almost Christmas and I really wanted to draw Fiammetta in a Santa suit so here it is

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Apr 19, 2015. By: Meloetta2005
[11 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"il mio MegaCharisard vi piace?l' ho fatto che usa lanciafiamme!!"

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"The Last Sight of Fiammetta," 32 5/16" x 24 7/16", the watercolour and bodycolour work by Marie Spartali Stillman (1844-1927) that sold for $328,700 at London

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Comprimi ora
il tuo cuore
sul mio,
le fiamme
unite si consumino.

Heinrich Heine
(13 dicembre 1797💮)


✏️Renato Guttuso

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