
2 15

イヴ、メアリー( )

3 12

イヴちゃん再喝させて (少し修正)

0 5

Day 2
I’ll start putting more effort after tests are over (probably

1 13

Everyone all together along with a little friend. Stickers will be releasing tomorrow!

2 20

i might have watched a certain tuonto video

8 18

Garry! Still love his design after all this time.

6 29

can't believe i made these two in one day ☠️

6 24

イヴ、ギャリー、メアリー( )
紙:MAXON 漫画原稿用紙
主線:コピックドローイングペン セピア

1 12

Reposting this so I can delete from my other account.


15 42