A while back once mentioned that his most sought-after role was Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd.

So as a design exercise, I wanted to try and ideate ways to make Mrs. Lovett’s costume more gender neutral. Follow your dreams Alex!

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Fair Trade Art certification by Verisart supports Vide Atelier to promote a diversity of artists & works, creating an empowering economy with artists at the very heart of it. https://t.co/6lPjhKg5ak

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It was a lot of fun doing challenge this past month. I think it has really improved the way that I ideate. So here is the complete x Peanuts: An Amusing Collection. Enjoy. ☺️

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Amazing pieces by ArwingSixty4, bonervoideater, finnsfolks, and Drago_Tatsuki2, all on Twitter! Posted with permission.

Please help share these great artists!

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I just finish the new serie of She-Ra... God i love it! And the inspiration comes inmideately hehe. Ships, ships everywhere!

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is so fun. Like its so easy to just sketch and ideate on this, like paper

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