Rookie - Pillomon
Champion - Sheepmon
Ultimate - Pajiramon
Mega - Minervamon

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Alex's pillomon!
She'll get enough sleep one way or another :)

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🥞 Happy Pancake Day, tamers! 🥞
I hope you can all enjoy a nice treat uninterrupted by mischief :)

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✨Introducing - Pillomon! ✨

These cute little mons' are attracted to the energy the Dream Hub creates. But not to worry, they are totally harmless- unless you have snacks lying around!

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Illomon es la forma previa a Curromon. Es un in-Training amigable cuya data se relaciona con una base de datos obsoleta del 92. Su pico aún no está desarrollado del todo.

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Es un Digimon de fussion hunters, el appmon se llama Sleepmon y lleva un gorrito de dormir, mientras que Pillomon es una almohada.

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hAlf pillow, hAlf shEEp, hAlf sushi

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Es el turno de los amarillos

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Armadillomon had very goated digivolutions

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Some official Digimon for a change!

Falcomon, Gawappamon, Pillomon and Chapmon for

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Tsunomaki Watame and Sheepmon

-Aegiochusmon: Holy

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I've been on a bit of a kick cuz of hackers memory but i think I finally found a perfect evo line for Ankylomon while searching for a fitting Champion for Brachiosaur.
Armadillomon > Ankylomon > Stegomon > Spinomon

(Additional Obvious Gammamon line is obvious)

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Lullaby Bubble
Akumu No Awa

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DigiPoll results:
Q: Which Digimon do you want to hug and warm up with?

🥇Kyubimon (20%)
🥈Cherubimon (Virtue) (14%)
🥉Holydramon (13%)
4. Labramon (12%)
5. Ex-Tyranomon (11%)
6. Ikkakumon (11%)
7. Pillomon (6%)
8. Monzaemon (6%)
9. Delumon (4%)
10. Pandamon (3%)

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I just thought of something...

The english V/A's for both Armadillomon (Robert Axelrod) and Cody (Philece Sampler) have now passed away. Partner and Digi-Destined.

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Feliz cumpleaños a 🎂
Para este día he decidido hacer a mi Digimon favorito: Armadillomon! 🤩 Pásalo muy bien hoy y espero que te guste el regalo!

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