yikes- yeah don’t do that, that shits fucking rude and inconsiderate

0 8

I’m sorry :/ That is so inconsiderate of them!

0 0

Chibi style!!
Huhu my eyes hurt. Damn inconsiderate noisy neighbor at 2am. Doctor Emily Dyer is angry and she will send you to hell ---


1 7

extremely rude and inconsiderate!! https://t.co/aoqQYYL2R7

19 159

I drew a pattern on Chuni's clothes on the other side and bandages on the other side. In short, we will assume that when photographing it was mirrored. The type when you photograph yourself reflects you. I know that I am an inconsiderate fool

1 3

& now SH will not going to call a doctor for Nk & he's very inconsiderate, not caring about how sick NK is. Imagine a very weak NK, silently crying in front of a blank canvas. He couldn't flick his wrist, lift his hand or couldn't sit properly, thinking how useless he is now

1 28

Yeesh...what a jerk that guy is

I've been having a lot of fun with your streams and other stuff that you do besides animating. Don't let these inconsiderate fools get the best of you.

You keep doing you, Adler

0 4

Ko Liesun
10% loves joking with friends
10% wants more money
10% never talks about problems
10% likes alcohol
10% never cries
10% could be stubborn
10% feels bad about not working
10% finds relationships hard to keep
10% can be inconsiderate
10% likes spoiling people

1 3

“Hmph 😤” Mint gets upset when people are impolite or inconsiderate .

3 31

I'm sorry piko, people can be inconsiderate sometimes; if you need to talk, I'm always open

0 2

this bitch knows he's fucking hot. 🙄 happy birthday, you inconsiderate bastard.

5 67

Why are you so stupid for a supposedly smart person? You’ve answered your own idiocy here; you wear the mask to protect others from your own saliva, sweat, etc, which you’ve explained yourself works. So care for others please instead of being so inconsiderate and imbecilic.

0 1

Stop flexing Mr. Clean it's rude and inconsiderate to others who can't afford it, I expected better from you Mr. Clean

0 0

Shhhhh Nanami is taking a snoozie via /r/ultimategamer by InconsiderateBox https://t.co/McH9j5lcDg

5 8


73 256

And do it properly. If you're gonna do it half-assed you can stay home like the inconsiderate baby you reveal yourself to be. And as someone with glasses, I can guarantee that glasses fog is no excuse either. You baby.

0 0

:) (:
(ps please wear a mask in public dont be an inconsiderate dick)

2 26

the thought of the batfamily being inconsiderate and annoying other heroes at night because it’s the only time they do their vigilante thing is so funny to me

65 318

Just remembered I originally wanted to move my Texas trip to my birthday next month and who even knows if I'll ever get out there at this point because inconsiderate asshats don't cover their dumb faces

0 10

This is all true! Also believe in your value . Do not compromise it for someone else. A person is inconsiderate for asking you to lower your price.. you are not inconsiderate for raising it

0 19