A 52% cut in funding for culture in the last 10 years. lays bare the increasing inequalities in our country which are affecting those who are most vulnerable. Investment in the arts and culture is needed more than ever!

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Good Morning and Welcome to with &

’s Chief Commercial Officer, Phillip Saunders talks to us about the cancellation of flights. We’ll also look at global inequalities, the Land bank as well as the public health sector

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My home country, Chile is currently going through difficult times:
there's a social unrest against current and increasing inequalities and the government are only making matters worse and this HAS TO STOP!

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🐜 Today’s GM is another brilliant piece from ’s series. & join for this marker-style piece on inequalities. Featuring sound by 🌿👉 https://t.co/Qx7rU9bBWP

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[A WEEK IN THE WORLD]📺 Cartooning for Peace will be tonight at 7:10pm at to present cartoons about violences against women, CyberHarassment and Wage inequalities. Cartoons by (Portugal) & Firoozeh (Iran)

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Les desigualtats de l’Amèrica Llatina en nom dels drets humans i la democràcia // The inequalities of Latin America in the name of human rights and democracy for .cat article de i

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“Color blindness” often serves as an excuse to ignore real racial inequalities

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