I stfg doing stuff like this gives me anxiety because I think about the inevitably of making a cover to the comic

7 44

WIP. I’ve never painted an all-black character. Much harder than I thought. Not easy to describe form without being able to use light/shadow very effectively. I’m learning a lot, which should come in handy for when I inevitably paint up The Silhouette!

11 58


and also help sew fred's nets when they inevitably break from overuse/wilnas and goku getting tangled in them

0 1

Today's OC of the day is my Dallon Reyes!! (he/him)

Dallon is a mechanic and conspiracy theorist obsessed with proving the existence of aliens! He never takes any breaks from his work... until he inevitably gets burnt out but then beats himself up over it and keeps overworking

6 27

YOUTHBERK IS RECRUITING 🧣, Show ur worse/best CAC (create a card) for youth before bushi inevitably prints theirs

19 182

The discrepancy between history and reality will inevitably make people feel a sense of gap, but it still arouses your strong interest

You want to look for "romances lost in time" in the book together with him

4 12

when i say pages i literally mean pages, 45 pages is a small number of pages. uploading one page a week will inevitably slow things down and theres not much i can do about that, but im not speeding up the pace to make up for my schedule i just dont think its a good idea im sry 😭

0 48

I feel like making a tradition for whenever I make an illustration, to show off the eyes
I really like adding details to em that inevitably end up lost in the final piece
(I also wonder if anyone recognizes which of my characters this is)

0 13

i've thought about this a lot, cyd would definitely be some kind of undead sin'dorei, either dark ranger or ex-ebon blade! after being raised by the lich king and inevitably broken of mind control he would prolly go off and do his own thing, like work for A Particular Goblin https://t.co/cmGCAD6IEF

0 2

Thinking about making a honchkrow that I’ll inevitably give up on halfway through ahaha

0 6

My Star Wars character Lodaan Asorchi! A criminal, smuggler and all round skeevy guy who inevitably grows on you and would kill for you!

3 12

Extremely messy Caragh doodle I’ll inevitably end up redrawing for

3 7

i want them to play clue together and watch the carnage that would inevitably unfold

6 32

While the night never ends, time still inevitably passes... Thank you again to all bugs and bug allies who came to support Torin and I!

7 24

The ring city's turning inevitably brought shade-sun's overcast light back through the old windows of the public house. Xan scowled at the brightness, at the ache in her shoulder, as she kept careful watch on the door...

(INCREDIBLE art by the INCREDIBLY talented )

17 90

Hiro & Gulusgammamon's sync inevitably happening has to be due the black digimon.
The show is clearly building up to them being more powerful than anything we have seen so far, and to top that, they are grouping now?… It's gonna catch Gulus off guard, so Hiro won't have a choice

0 5

Idk if it reads well, but the eyes were supposed to look like pitted peaches. The heterochromia was fun, but I feel like that is inevitably for a different oc.

1 6

ill inevitably futz with these designs some more. not a huge big fan of the contarst.,, values,,, whatever the fancy art word is. ta-daa

22 85

Day 17 of 31! When I'm working on a book I'm always trying to imagine how it will appear in final printed form. This is especially important when doing double-paged spreads, where the spine of the book will inevitably swallow up some artwork in the middle of the image.

10 55

i was supposed to do art today i got stunlocked by final fantasy have this wip . tomorrow i draw before i am inevitably consumed again by ffxiv

0 13