Jour 16 Ton shojo historique fétiche

un de mes genres favoris (donc j'en ai bcp)
Strange Dragon
Nina du Royaume aux étoiles
La fleur millénaire
Yona Princesse de l'aube
(je rajoute La courtisane d'edo, Called Game, Freya L'ombre du prince)

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one person commented that the guy who said isane looks white washed might’ve thought it’s supposed to be chika and in that case I would’ve totally agreed 😭

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The Kabuki warriors Fanart🖤🌸🏴‍☠️
I miss this Tag Team! 😢😭😭

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Happy birthday to one of my two waifus of this series. A model that appears to be sweet and generous, but in reality, she Isane arrogant girl. Happy birthday Ami Kawashima 🎊🎉🎊🎉❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙

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Nous sommes à 10 JOURS (si tout se passe bien) de la réimpression complète de la courtisane d’edo, voici donc un petit thread de pourquoi vous devez lire la courtisane d’edo… un shojo historique avec une romance digne des plus grands films😘🤙

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Artist: toisanemoif | Source: | Derpi link:

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Trying out stuff with Kotetsu Isane from

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another drawing for ! I hope you like it, Kairi 💕

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8: Isane Kotetsu from Bleach.

From the few times I caught whatever episode of Bleach that was on Toonami, I always thought she was the cutest character in Bleach. She still is in my opinion though Yoruichi and Soifon are up there too.

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Concept art of Demigod 02 (without orbiter shield, for your viewing convenience)

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also like this was my very first fanart of them- 2015 I think? Definitely before the first chapter was released. Where we only had designs for Nanashi and Misane pop out

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kairi-chan 🤗🤗😊🎂🎂🎂✨🌟💙
Hiii Chicos & Chicas les dejo este NEW POST de la PRINCESS PIRATE con orejitas de neko(CAT) ojala les guste 😀😀🤗😊💫💫✨⚓️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️💙💙💙

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