Honestly I don't get how people can say they are activists yet make a person cry for just playing a game...

also doxing people and still thinking you are in the right, what is wrong with people these days??

yall know doxing is a crime right???

9 25

I can't believe these fucks would go as far as they did over a wizard game...God im so happy i don't associate with the LGBT "community" regardless of my sexuality. Do better. Apologize to Silver and her family.

5 12

This is out of hand. This is now blind hatred, targeting innocent people and trying to ruin lives. This needs to stop she is loving and caring of everyone; I am loving and caring of everyone. This just needs to stop.

7 17

Can´t believe such a lovely person is being harassed for playing hogwarts legacy 😭
One of my closest friends is trans and he loves the game.
Please don´t forget how much suffering we all can inflict with our words..
Sending all my love to our big sis Silver🌙❤️

32 167

SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!!! She love all people and she is not evil!

49 352

She's an icon and targeted for no reason at all. She suffers the most out of everyone and her situation shows the evilness of the left.
She suffered so much in her life and even today people are trying to invalidate her existence.

5 34

As a FtM 🏳️‍⚧️..

This isn’t just about Silver tho, it’s about everyone that gets harassed by petty bullies. You don’t have to like her you don’t have to like the game either but nothing excuses harassing people.. and feeling proud over being a bully…

1 26

i don't care if i get hate but hating someone who play a game is stupid and i can say it a game that it she does not hate anyone so i can say i stand with silvervale

0 8

No words. Just grow up people.... And stop creating misinformation.

28 125

The whole situation is messed up.

One of the reasons I went on hiatus is because of bullying.

I don't agree with JK's views but doesn't deserve to be bullied over it. Bullying is bullying.

That's disgusting.

15 54

My sister is trans. She's experienced bullying and harrassment ever since she came out from the same kind of bigots who attacked Silvervale.

Bullying is bullying, and a bully is a bully no matter what you identify as.

60 294

gonna get Hogwarts Legacy when I have the funds.

0 3

People wanna go and bully someone for liking a game. Probably the same people who also loved the series when it came out from the books and movies who are now hating it. If you're not going to buy the game use that money to support the Trans community.

1 8

Silvervale is NOT transphobic for playing HL. Stop shaming people for playing a game. If you don't agree with me. Just block me as I want no interaction with you.

3 8

If anyone of you ever harassed or bullied silver or pikamee for playing a fucking game. You are one vile human being and should definetely check your moral compass. They have brought so much joy to people and had no malicious intent.

81 399

She was one of the people who inspired me to be a vtuber. All she wanted was for her community to feel safe and happy. To give a small amount of happiness during these dark times and this is how she is treated. No one deserves bullying, doxxing or death threats.

14 48

People will harass a streamer and then still find a way to make the streamer feel like they're in the wrong OVER PLAYING A WIZARD GAME.
The 2020s are fucked.

I've already spoken about my stance on Hog warts Leg-of-see so I won't bother typing it again. Stop.


25 123

Yeah, what happened was a disgrace. She was harrased to tears for playing a game. Let's get this trending and show our support.

40 129