Don't miss all the FREE BONUS TUBES at CDO this month!! They will all go away forever at 10pm PST TONIGHT!!

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If it's your birthday this month don't forget to collect your birthday gift from CDO by 9pm PST 31st December!
Details here:

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Don't miss all the FREE BONUS TUBES at CDO this month! They will all go away forever at 10pm PST 31st December 2020!

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We have NEW tubes from Cuddly Rigor Mortis & Stanley Morrison released today with matching kits and FREE BONUS TUBES:

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jasc paint shop pro9という2004年のソフトですw
流石に古すぎると思い、corel paint shop proX9(2016)がamazonで2000円ちょいだったんで買ったんですが、操作の変化に付いていけず、軽さも失われてて、結局、今もこの16年前のソフトを使ってます
64bitでも動いてほしいなぁjasc psp9

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Então, sou Judah (vulgo JASC) e tô nessa jornada de virar ilustrador, toma ai umas viage minha:

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If it's your birthday this month don't forget to collect your birthday gift from CDO by 9pm PST 30th November!
Details here:

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We have NEW tubes from Colourbelle, Sheena Pike & Ken Morton released today with matching kits and FREE BONUS TUBES

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If it's your birthday this month don't forget to collect your birthday gift from CDO by 9pm PST 30th September! Details here:

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We have NEW tubes from Margaret Morales & Colourbelle today with matching scrap kits and there's a FREE BONUS TUBE too:

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Prazer, Judah! (or JASC) .. Estamos ai na caminhada de ser desenhero pô

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