Софи не умеет флиртовать но это так мило смотрится
они мои любимки

11 47

sophies that i kept in my drafts + recent jophie i miss them! easter egg.. ... ...

6 23

( )

─── Jenny : Okay, okay, so you use this thing to move around.

─── Sophie : Hm, okay...

13 38

jenny stop yelling and go sleep don't you see that i'm just talking to my mom why you're always acting so wild to common things bruh

5 46

el oh el ive been sleep deprived for 3 days omg 😍😍😍have jenny and sophie

26 92

I like to imagine Sophie constantly gets super worried over Jenny getting hurt a bit since y'know she literally lost her family-

62 309

a buff jenny for the soul

+ shameless self promotion: I'm more active on my tumblr (sunst3r) so come over there if you'd like

22 161