Thank for the heads up Jimmie! I'm broke but Octopussy is all mine!I can't wait to hang the LBJ original on my wall.a big thanks for the meme contest winnings, allowing me to give back to an amazingly talented artist and supporter in our community

24 44

koharu drain my jimmies

1 29

I really love all of Bloodborne's aesthetics and design but daddy gas can's pistol is rustling my jimmies.

2 36

sketch of jimmie

0 12

Someday I'll make a tweet that rustles someone jimmies and I'll be able to use this:

0 2

730. djimmie the great

7 17

QRT with a picture of your character and their nationality.

Jamie/Jimmie is from merica, wherever mobius new jersey is

Art by who I quote tweeted

0 1

Pink Orchid, an original oil painting by Jimmie Bartlett

13 13

The Dachshund​, prints of the original painting by Jimmie Bartlett

21 29

Beach tusslin' to get some sand in your jimmies

12 57

Jimmie Woke up this way
WTF is this why his eyes glowing blue? what is the meaning of all of this strangeness? | Gas is Cheap can I borrow so...

0 0

Mnn.. seems a bit dead tonight.

Might rangle up a bowl of ice cream and jimmies before i conk out~

0 22

【 アル + 菊 + 蘭 + ネシ 】


アメリカのカラフル jimmies 👉 日本
オランダの chocolade hagelslag 👉 インドネシア

65 195

Sup I’m Jimmie & I do the arts B]

2 3

Vomitoreum is a game that me and my buddy are working on. It's a first person metroidvania in the Doom engine that may try to rustle your jimmies.
It's almost done and is releasing next month!

80 489

heyy I'd totally love to buy Shapes & Ladders, and also I could offer a small Sketchpage for Jimmies? examples and last piece is the size it'd be

0 0

screams really loudly!! LOOK AT SHE!!! i honestly love her sm and i'm so happy to share her with u all!! NEW JIMMIE REDESIGN WOOO!! YEAH!!! WOOOOOOO

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