> Kotaku spent almost two years complaining about the lack of easy mode in video games
> FFIIV Remake comes out with an easy mode
> Kotaku complains that easy mode is easy

Absolute joke of gaming journalism.

0 1

... to photos like this one from our that are as much art as they are journalism.

6 8

“Edwards might be viewed as a Victorian precursor to Gonzo journalism.” – Fred Stenson
Well then, meet your mentor Bob Edwards!
Our new exhibit introduces you to Edwards + 11 other fascinating and colourful early Calgary writers.

2 1

2241: citizens in Wong Tai Sin protest against using Kowloon East branch clinic as the designated clinic of ; police again are seen pushing reporters away forcefully, obstructing journalism.

86 58

There’s a lot of misinformation on Twitter, I see the most in anime journalism. My POVーbeing honest is better than being liked. Being liked is more beneficial but it improves reality to expose lies & act as a purveyor of truth. Especially, if you have the wherewithal to do so.

2 3

PATHETIC Journalism. It seems Reporters SPECIALISE in showing PLANTED NEWS. Heres another video of India Today reporter "coaching" a boy to say what suits his agenda & BRIBING him with liquor

1989 2867

Some of the crowd work I did for in 2019.

If you're not reading the fantastic content the staff puts out every week, you're missing out. All around great journalism. I can't wait to see what 2020 brings.

5 15

Any work of art that can be understood is the product of journalism. The rest, called literature, is a dossier of human imbecility for the guidance of future professors.- Tristan Tzara

Still Birth Machine I & III- HR Giger/The Neon Demon-Pusher II- NWR

0 2


If you are at all interested in comics or want to more about the medium. This is the magazine for you. Just won the Eisner award for best comics related journalism. Hats off to hardest working guy in comics
And I worked on it a bit!

1 2

If you are at all interested in comics or want to more about the medium. This is the magazine for you. Just won the Eisner award for best comics related journalism. Just so happened that I worked on it a bit. Hats off to hardest working guy in comics!

0 0

It’s July 2019 and the annual https://t.co/K83Lqn5qyk (ArtFight) is in full swing, folks.

And today I have art of my friend -abuyuan-art​ ‘s characters, Internet and Journalism.

Posted using PostyBirb

4 0

Thank you for this journalism. Stemming from the West Bay, housing has gotten more and more expensive spreading outwards.
2012 to 2018.
If you're not endorsing more housing near transit, subsidized housing, and price controls then you're pushing most residents out

47 162

I have three cartoons in the Eye today which is nice. Please buy the magazine to see them in full and support quality journalism.

6 29

Rubin: Vox kinda blows, BUT THIS PIZZAGATE GUY is doing REAL journalism...

273 2148

Unrelated: Mutant guy whose body fusion powers activated while undercover at a fur con for skeezy web journalism.
- Needs eyedrops like crazy but can’t manage the bottle with his big clumsy bean fingers
- Has to wear trip pants b/c nothing else matches his body's gaudy aesthetic

0 5

The hefty tariffs on newsprint were clearly meant to punish newspapers, and thankfully the ITC just overturned them. Great news for journalism... https://t.co/GFEtiTryQG

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and should defend or at least acknowledge US firms like https://t.co/TmquoB6pUK who are hacked by - Our govt is sadly not defending journalism.
Many thanks to for their Project Galileo program! See: https://t.co/z2Vs5gpcwK

3 1

Missouri Under The Gun. New work for in collaboration with students at the Missouri School of Journalism. https://t.co/HeCpODflmS

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