Another fun portrait for another beautiful couple! Bonus happiness points for two sweet cats. ⁠⠀

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I've watched Zombieland 2 twice and loved every minute of it. The Madison character cracked me up every scene she was in.⁠⠀

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Portrait opportunities have been fun explorations of what makes each person beautiful; seeing how two people fit together, and noticing the small differences in each person's smile.

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When one of your aunts wants a toon version of herself, you happily get to practice more!

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I'm still in prime post surgery recovery time and I'm finding joy in down time with my cat and enjoying my indoor plants. Square and free wallpaper!

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Festive Yoda. Jumping on the adorable train and doing more practice with pencils.

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It’s already December! Time is flying and I’m balancing productivity with enjoying the season and relaxing. Difficult but fun! Here’s some progress on my current project.

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CANDY CORN!!!! October is almost over, but that bag of candy corn you bought, and pretend you don't love, is ready to take you to November. Full of love and sugar.⁠

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Space Hair. I love crazy, long hair (even if I can't handle it for myself - maybe one day).⁠⠀

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