Emotes kalari que me ponen perraca starring Zulagan de @/Barbaparda

"El chamán golpeó sus hachas contra la tierra, resquebrajandola y alzando esquirlas de roca que proyectó contra el enemigo."

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Emotes kalari que me ponen perraca starring Jakkar de @/feeltevoodoo

"El cazasombras se hizo un corte en la yema del dedo y lo presionó contra el suelo. "Mata" susurró, y la serpiente tatuada en su brazo se deslizó, cobrando vida, buscando su víctima."

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kalari having misty step, pass without a trace, dimension door and blink

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I will be bringing forth this character to the challenge!

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just in case you were wondering this is Zabzimek. my OC who will one day take down for the murder of her parents in Some police officers are crooked even to they dont show it.

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