so, this is the guy, threatening Alayna in chap8.

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enchanted? what's more enchanted than a guy, who's opening doors to other dimensions~ Laan from Kekaze2 :D

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So, I'm starting something new! this time, I really want to learn painting more :D I hope, the colors are matching each other in a good way <0<

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Gosh, hoffe, man erkennt die Familienzusammengehörigkeit! Die ganze Enshû Familie :D

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YAY, the new tablet works very fine! I'm so damn happy <3 gotta work on that one the next days~

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How can I combine those two sketches? I want the feeling of sketch1 so badly but I also like the colors of sketch2? I don't know how to continue, help!

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So, this will be my next project I guess... have to stop for today, but I hope I've keep that good energy up!

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Family Sabekaze~ colored ones are Gintas parents!

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Takeru in orange! I really like this! *____* this is a lot of fun, especially, because outlining is so fast today!

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Drawing heads! I kinda love this! Especially how good the colors come through :D love it love it love it~ and there's like a ton of other characters left, hahaha

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Kioku fighting with her magical stretching strap.

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another colored one for tomorrow's for Alayna being super exhausted ~ it fits good to todays :D

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"drooling" quite difficult to find something fitting for this topic! Tak is very hungry I guess? @ haha!

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