Benar atau tidak tuan dan puan sekalian?

Is it true or not, ladies and gentlemen?

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Bersama kita berusaha ke arah "merdeka" yang sebenar!✨



Together we strive towards true "merdeka"!

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Memberi peringatan itu bukan benci. Ia tanda cinta.

Jadilah orang yang bijak.

Dengan menjadi penerima nasihat yang baik.


Warning is not hate. It's a sign of love.

Be a smart person.

By being the recipient of good advice.

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Bahagian 2:

Aktiviti kaum adam bersama rakan-rakan. Maafkan saya kerana memecahkan rahsia😔


Part 2:

Men's activities with friends. Forgive me for breaking this secret😔

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Demi populariti dan duit, sangup merosakkan diri dan orang sekeliling. Berhati-hatilah.


For the sake of popularity and money, willing to destroy themselves and the people around them. Be careful.

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Bahagian 1: Aktiviti sebenar orang lelaki bila tak jawab panggilan.


Part 1: The real activity of men when they don't answer calls.

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Jadi, agak-agak korang kita di mana dan apa fasa seterusnya?


So, where do you think we are right now and what is the next phase?

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Selamat Hari Persahabatan Sedunia, semua!


Happy International Friendship Day, everyone!

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Influenza (flu) can make an existing illness worse! The symptoms and way of spreading are similar to Covid-19. Therefore, all the preventive measures that we have been practicing all this time, don't leave it!

Take care!

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Penyakit Influenza (flu) boleh menjadikan penyakit yang sedia teruk menjadi lebih teruk! Gejala dan cara merebak pula seakan sama dengan Covid-19. Oleh itu, segala langkah pencegahan yang kita amalkan selama ini, jangan pula tinggalkan!

Jaga diri!

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Strict parents are a blessing.

Going out with friends? Rarely can it be because they are busy with life commitments🥲

Traveling all over the world? Hmm. Yes! But you need the knowledge to do that! So, study hard, everyone✨💪🏻

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Bahagian 2: Walau ia mencecah langit.


Part 2: Even if it hits the sky.

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Selamat Hari Raya Haji, semua! ✨🕌☪️

Jaga diri, jaga keluarga dan berhati-hati di jalan raya!🐮


Happy Eid Al-Adha, everyone! ✨🕌☪️

Take care of yourself, your family and be careful on the road!🐮

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Tak salah berpakaian busana melayu klasik. Malah, kalian patut berbangga!

There is nothing wrong with dressing in classic Malay clothing. In fact, you should be proud!

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Peranannya diangkat mulia oleh Yang Maha Kuasa dan juga baginda rasul, rahmat seluruh semesta.

His role was exalted by the Almighty and also his apostle, the blessing of the whole universe.

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Siapa seterusnya?

Ayah kamu


Angguknya tanda kasih.

Pandangnya penuh cinta.

Yang seterusnya patut kamu jaga hingga akhir dunia.

His nod was a sign of love.

His look is full of warmth.

The next one you should take care of until the end of the world.

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Teruskan hidup kalian! Kejar mimpi! Kejar cita-cita! Jalani hidup kalian tanpa penyesalan!

Teruskan berusaha!


Go on with your life! Chase your dreams! Pursue your ambitions! Live your life without regrets!

Work hard!

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Kata-kata hikmah penuh kebenaran oleh tuan guru!


Words of wisdom full of truth by the master!

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