Time to bring the rage! a Dojo Tournament, is now open for registration.

Prepare for your next battle online and sign up now at https://t.co/EhWb904hSE

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Gen 4 419: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 418: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 417: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 416: Vespiqueen described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 415: Combee described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 414: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 413c: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 413b: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 413a: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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cute artwork for CharlieFluffPaw on telegram xD suprise suprise its for a Horny License ://D ahhhh im so happy at the momant that i can do waht i love

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Gen 4 412c: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm8qFZI

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Gen 4 412b: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 412a: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 411: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Gen 4 410: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm8qFZI

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Gen 4 409: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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Two Spencer chibis I made using a cute base! (link below)
I'm working on his new ToyHouse code and needed to draw some cheebs
I'll also try to make more pride headshots soon! I had to take a break

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Gen 4 408: described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm8qFZI

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