Phineas Bloodwell, professional asshole, pirate lord, and sociopath psychic. I love designing NPCs for my DM but hate fighting them... 😭

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My necromancer is a mother now, and he loves his son, who is v excited about becoming a Wizard lol... The Rin to my Sesshomaru. ❤

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Rivah, the Zealot! An Ifrit antipaladin NPC that I designed for my DM who finally has shown up in our campaign who I am... absolutely terrified to fight but here we are lmao.

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My raider from New Vegas and some post- and pre-war Ghouls (my SoSu and another OC) Bones is the name of the raider, ans Harvey ans Jamea are the Ghouls.

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I lied lol. This has been a passion project of mine for years, but on hiatus b/c I have v little time to actually work on it. This is Gino (& his wife & best friend), the MC of a comic I'm trying to write set in the 20's.

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Last one for today, I think... My party and I have affectionately dubbed this Ruathym's Supreme Outfit lol.

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Some more older art of mine... themed this time! My Dunmer toons from ESO (Velihran and his sister Venaynea), my Altmer vampire lord Nercano, all the Big Bads from my ES Tabletop, and Al my Nord DB reimagined as a Warden from ESO.

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Vacation Satan (left) and Final Form Satan (right) aka the Big Bad from our Pathfinder campaign, the Slumbering King!

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My Gideon and Rika being cute and also sad. He dies and comes back as a Revenant, but she doesn't remember him. 😭

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Guess I should populate this place w/ some art. My main Pathfinder kids. 🖤 Uni the Darfellan Fighter, Ruathym the Drow Sorcerer, Law the Tiefling Monk, and Gideon/Vengeance the Rogue. :3

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