Im proud to say I’m back in the Killaverse! Thanks to ma boy

Tbh I felt a bit naked without a KB in the last few weeks and now I’m part of my two fav community’s - and 🔥

Now just a weapon and I will be good to go!

47 128

“Bits are very important.” 🧸

Welcome to the

22 45

I did it! missed out for months not pulling the trigger.. & again last night 🤦🏻‍♂️ but I’m officially in the Huge shoutout to everyone who hit me up last night providing me with info, including themselves. Big thanks to for a great deal!!

33 109

Ready for your stake-cation? 🌴🍄

Welcome to the KillaVerse!

48 107

Early check-in at the Kilton on Day 1 in the KillaVerse!

19 40

Omg I was just wondering who sniped that eye patch bear! That is such a grail! Congratulations and welcome to the What an impressive entrance 🔥

2 6

Whoop Whoop!!! Welcome to the Psyched you joined! Great first bear love the peach fur!

3 8

We are pleased to announce that, we've added 10 Killabears and 10 Killabits to your Reward Pool!

63% of bears and bits are already staked - get started now:

Together we will build your Killabits upgrade, and

49 78

Yooo what a snipe! Everyone says peach fur but I say Orange fur! Plus the rainbow grill?! Kemaaan doesn’t get much better 🔥 Congrats and welcome to the Will you be joining us on vacay to the Killaton hotel?! My bags are packed ✈️

2 6