Numero 9: Kimeramon ☠️

Que les puedo decir? Me gusta su diseño aterrador y compuesto de distintos digimons. A decir verdad soy un fanatico de las quimeras y del quimerismo en general.

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Being a kimera I see you having your own kimeramon he is a Frankstien effort to stitch together many different digimon data to become the monster before you who with machindramon becomes even more of a death god as millieneummon

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Original de Digimon Adventure:, el anime más reciente, Kimeramon (Réplica)/Chimairamon (Incomplete) nace de los datos de Sephirotmon como recipiente para crear el nuevo cuerpo de Millenniumon junto a los datos residuales de Machinedramon ⚪️

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kimeramon is weird awesome

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Well, I have two favorites. Flamedramon and kimeramon. They where my favorites as a kid and they still are to this day.

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a fan-digimon i'v been working on
i really like MarineChimairamon and it's evolved form Regalecusmon from the new Pendulum Z v-pet, so i wanted to design an evolved form for the original Kimeramon in the same vein
i think i'll call him 'SinKimeramon' it fits how edgy he looks lol

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Encontre esta cosa rancia
Un evo de un digimon que invente en Secundaria, en si es una base de datos corrupta, como Kimeramon (Y como Glitch).

Pues ya coloreo mejor en tradicional, algun dia, tal vez lo haga digital.... :B

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Ya conocemos de forma oficial las partes que conforman a MarineKimeramon (MarineChimairamon en japonés), y son 8 en vez de 10, como creíamos.

¿Quieres saber cuáles son? Sigue leyendo abajo:

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Happy birthday to Tom Wyner, the voice of Devimon in Kimeramon & MarineDevimon in as well as being the narrator, Devidramon & Caturamon in and Sepikmon & Volcamon in


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I'm not very good at drawing but I drew my fave 4 Digimon. Omegamon/Omnimon is my fave No.1, Alphamon is No.2, Kimeramon is No.3 and Death X Dorugoramon is No.4.

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I dunno if anyone NEEDED a shitty MSpaint diagram of where MarineKimeramon's various parts come from, but by jove did I make one

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¡Feliz Digifans!
Lo celebramos dandole la Bienvenida a la franquicia a MarineKimeramon y al resto de los nuevos Deep Savers.
Ya para Reservar desde Japón el nuevo de

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Legalexmon looks pretty freakin cool. So happy to have them fishes looking so badass.

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