画質 高画質

Perdón, Kensou, pero tenía que hacerlo xddd

8 39

Bought cool grey alcohol markers. They are fun. Someone put a leash on me before I empty my wallet on all the markers-

2 8

Early sketch of the Igigi People who staged an uprising against the Anunnaki Maputo base.


0 3

Thanks for a great Orochi Con '96, See you all Next Year!

220 739

Kula Diamond (クーラ・ダイアモンド)

53 209

Here's the whole bebe from the previous post. His clothes are inspired by this outfit I found

0 8

当日中ギリ間に合わなかった😭ので再投稿… おめでとうございました🎉🎊💐👏🂱❣️
私が と出会ったのが1年前なのですが、キンプリ(KOP)の最推しが になったのは自分でも驚き☺Theシャッフルの皆と美味しいもの食べて…✨

0 3

Happy birthday, Leo Kliesen! Hope, no one would take your presents 😏

(my longtime fans would probably recognize the reference for my old Claude von Riegan art 😌 )

53 169