Siegfried Kircheis my best friend Siegfried Kircheis

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Robert Lee from Bingley, 150 Bde was captured at Gazala.
He painted The Last Supper, & carved the Frauenkirche Angel in memory of the refugees he witnessed fleeing Dresden during the raids of Feb 1945.

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pocket spaghetti from fancy party
dont worry kircheis made him nice homemade pasta later 👍

thank for the idea 🫡

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the drinking Kircheis image

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That time when Reinhard wasn't allowed to bring his emotional support Kircheis to a party so he just left him in the car

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okay so i might be reading too much into it BUT the gaiden ed 2 compels me to believe that kircheis knows annerose loves him like just look at the lyrics its right there! also like i cant help but imagine them actually having this conversation and it drives me nuts...

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got them in between tho 💕kircheis one is actually scary relatable ngl

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blond and red coded its them!! reinhard and kircheis otome version!!

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Imagine reinhard singing lullabies for kircheis

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🎨Albin Egger-Lienz (Austrian painter, 1868-1926) - Auf Dem Kirchenchor Der Lienzer Pfarrkirche St. Andrä, 1890

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the horn growing out of Soraka's head is literally Kircheis Shard.

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Es pushed Beatrice Kircheisen off a cliff

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Measurements of the façade of St. Carolus Borromeus’ Church in Antwerp,, Museum Plantin-Moretus (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Don't mind me, just using this eraser on Beatrice Kircheisen.

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erlebte, bedingt durch den Bau der U-Bahn nach Fürth, im Rahmen der Stadtteilerneuerung eine Renaissance. Links und rechts der Fürther Straße stoßen wir neben Kneipen, Theatern und Kirchen auch auf den Schauplatz der Nürnberger Prozesse.

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Kazumi Mishima slapped Beatrice Kircheisen

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Beatrice Kircheisen pushed Kuranari Takeshi off a cliff

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