Des nouvelles des étoiles... Kubrick, Kazan, Wilder, Minnelli, Fleischer. Parcourir l’extraordinaire carrière de c’est revisiter l’histoire du cinéma américain, sous l’œil d’un acteur-producteur qui a su faire vibrer l’instinct de vie sur nos écrans

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He was Van Gogh, Doc Holliday and Spartacus. He played some of films greatest heroes and most despicable villains. Kirk Douglas was everything movies are supposed to be at their best.

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Goodbye Mister Douglas....and thank you for a lifetime of legendary characters

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F*ck me! Kirk Douglas turned 103 the other day. He must be on the embalming fluid.
I’m Spartacus, by the way.

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One of the great ones, happy 103rd birthday Mr. Douglas!!

My drawing of 2013

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Kirk Douglas and Stanley Kubrick on the set of Paths of Glory (1957).

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Un joyeux anniversaire à qui fête ses 101 ans 🌹

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Very happy 100th birthday salutations to legendary film star Kirk Douglas from your fervent admirers at Haydenfilms!

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Happy birthday,
Et allons voir ce qu'il y a à gagner au tirage au sort de cette semaine...

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Milla Jovovich facial study with charcoal and felt tip pen.

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A quick warm up for a possible new poster I have in mind... I am

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