nice to meet you i'm Retro your friendly unseiso sharktuber

2 29

No inktuber for today. Was busy doing my comic! I'll get back to finishing the missing ones some time later .^. But until then chapter 57! I hope you enjoy it!

2 4

Morning fun! Red cup of Aardvarks juice overflowing. Draw Along with .

6 15

I'm a sharktuber friendly (not cute) comfy and sometimes stupid, piss me off and I'll be one cold-hearted bitch

1 2

Morning fun! A camel dancing with donuts daily. Draw Along with

3 7

Hellooo therr ~
A HOOMAN OR A BEAN to a bricktuber -^- up to you what you want to try transforming ^^)

0 2

Dia7: ritual
Decidi desenhar uma persoangem secundária de fragments que tem a capacidade de conversar com os mortos esse tbm será o uitkio desenho do inktuber por agora

6 26

Morning fun! 2 star cookies flying cave McRib monster spelunking . Draw Along with

3 8

Mlk ainda n desisti desse inktuber

3 12

primeiro desenho no clip studio, por favor sem xingamentos. dia 4 do inktuber

9 39


Ponta de lápis, de caneta, ponta daquele que aponta, do ponteiro do relógio até a ponta do iceberg, que esconde a sensação de que se pulou da ponta do penhasco

2 5

Dois inktuber já ksksks

1 9

Here is little book
Odl how many blasphemy points adding details to booktubers awards me, but hey I wanna get that highscore

2 4