画質 高画質



41 130


1 73



475 1311

good morning trollstwt….. last night wasn’t real

I wasn’t going insane abt JD at all……. We are normal sophisticated humans in this household…

8 475

omg i saw this in my camera roll………

39 510

thinking about short hair dan heng il…

624 3059

while i cook one more thing for y’all… 2023 was pretty alright!

88 1460

to any streamers:

how to deal with wanting to have a consistent schedule for streaming but being burnt out from other work?

been slacking these past few months from streams but also feel physically drained from these past few months, and dont know what to do Q_Q

any and all… https://t.co/JJJTNMSeLT

30 904

She is an old Living Doll…like Chucky in CHILD'S PLAY?But she is not so evil😁
And actually her name is Uzuki , but I named her after Japanese old horror novel "Ugetsu Monogatari" (雨月物語or Tales of Moonlight and Rain).So I think you got it almost right😆✨

0 2

Sorry I’ve been offline. I was really ill…. But now I am better 💅
It’s my bday tomorrow : ) Dec 23rd
I wanna draw more + bday stream a game with my friend, cos my fam has covid.
Idk how to advertise... Please come. 🤨 Or don’t!!!
I miss u cunts. 😞
Comment 4 silly, like 4 Satan

18 282

I still…don’t like her skin.

6 92


5 117

artist! pernah ga...diposisi baru bikin kepala trus bingung sama lehernya....i Am Dying…… tolong….. sesak nafas….. mual….. muntah….. i cant do this…..

8 112


0 10

本日、日本 "国際人権デー"
International Human Rights Day Peace March 2023 “Fight against dictatorships and win freedom and human rights” in Japan
12.10 13:30 gathering, 14:30 demo departure
Shinjuku Central… https://t.co/PccYjkbIeg

36 107