ションボレリア シンジュク
学名:Laelia Shinjuku
   (= Schombolaelia Shinjuku )

こちらの「Schombolaelia Shinjuku」は新宿御苑で作出され、代々守り継がれてきた由緒正しい洋ランです

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A Laelia for my art trade with !

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laelia, for a draw the person above you mini game on the art fight discord! she's a wood elf and a beach jock anD I'M IN LOVE
(also if any of y'all are participating in art fight this year lemme know! this is my first year! uwu)

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(Laelia superbiens) by Sarah Ann Drake for The Orchidaceae of and (1843) by Jason Bateman. View more in : https://t.co/5Qr5NKHOEJ

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My picture of fine jeweller Lily Gabriella Elia, Solar Cuff, a 21.15 cart oval cut diamond set in 18ct gold, art deco inspired bracelet, from capsule diamonds collection created for retail boutique 34-35 New Bond Street London W1S 2RT

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laelia superbiens レリア・スーパービエンス、中南米に分布する着生蘭。ナガエアサヒランとも呼ばれる。長柄と言う通り茎は1mから2m近くに成長し、花も大きなものは20cmにもなる。蘭の中では大きな種。グァテマラでは「聖ヨセフの杖」の別名を持つ。聖ヨセフとはイエス・キリストの養父。

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Laelia superbiens. by Alphonse Goossens for Alfred Cogniaux, Dictionnaire Iconographique des Orchidees: Laelia (1896-1907). Thanks to for digitizing! View more in : https://t.co/CBpUiIcwtt

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Laelia furfuraceaの図、1839年英国にて製作、手彩色銅版画。

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'Laelia Schilleriana' By John Day, 1862

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