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Let's take a moment to recognize the amazing artwork of John Bolton in this film.
@therealjoebob @kinky_horror @SetDarcyFree @Shudder #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam
Limbs of Satan is a sweet ass metal band name.
@therealjoebob @kinky_horror @SetDarcyFree @Shudder #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam
So, where can I get the soundtrack on vinyl?
#TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam @kinky_horror @therealjoebob @shudder #horrorfam @SetDarcyFree #monstermusicalnight #TheMonsterClub
Special Attack: Whistling (+5 vs. felines)
#TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam @kinky_horror @therealjoebob
Slaughter House! Darcy serves up some mean Vegan Hot Dogs, made from real Vegans! @kinky_horror @Shudder #MutantFam #TheLastDriveIn #thelastdrawin #shudder @therealjoebob
This little piggy ate roast beef... 😳 “Five little pigs” (1880)
Little wide awake.
#Slaughterhouse #TheLastDriveIn
First up tonight and new to me! I know how this crew loves to get hog wild! 🐷🌭 Anyone else a Slaughterhouse virgin?!
#theLastDriveIn #Slaughterhouse
Here are both paintings I did tonight during #TheLastDriveIn’s truly epic double feature of NOSFERATU and NOSFERATU THE VAMPYRE. Once again, thanks to @Shudder & the amazing TLDI crew for yet another mind blowing episode! See you all next Friday…🤘💚
Real question: What is your favorite #Nosferatu inspired character?
Kurt Barlow- Salem's Lot
Max Schreck- Shadow of the Vampire
Petyr- What We Do in the Shadows
Nosferatu Zodd- Berserk
@therealjoebob @kinky_horror @Shudder #TheLastDriveIn #NosferatuTheVampyre #MutantFam
100 years of Nosferatu! (Joe Bob doesn’t want me working in color this season) Here is Joe Bob, @kinky_horror , Ernie, and Count Orlok ready for their close ups #MutantFam @Shudder #TheLastDriveIn #TheLastDrawIn #Nosferatu
*Ready for Round 2! 🖤🧛♂️🖤
#NowWatching #TheLastDriveIn
Nosferatu, Phantom der Nacht (1979) Dir. Werner Herzog ⚰
@therealjoebob @kinky_horror
#MutantFam #HorrorCommunity
Nosferatu : The Walking Phallus
@therealjoebob @kinky_horror @SetDarcyFree @badtechno @Shudder #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #FuckFlorenceStoker #Nosferatu
Wait, so... #TheLastDriveIn is showing my favorite film adaptation of Dracula...on a night I have to be in bed early?!