Day 15: Fruit. How about a fresh cup of watermelon tea? Just in time for spring. Which next fruit should I make into a teapot? Comment with your favorite fruit!

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Day 13: Sky. Enjoyed making the last piece I made with clouds so I wanted to make another view of the night sky!

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Day 9: Dazzle. Made a homemade mask and my friend told me that it looked like I made a underwear for my face! So she named BioBloomers! Or her other suggestion, CoronaCrotch. Which name do you think would be better?Haha

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Day 6: Glow. Saw a beautiful picture with these pink clouds (obviously photoshopped) but I loved the color scheme!

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Day 3: Wet. This is another one I couldn’t decide on the lighting color! But I absolutely love how this turned out! ❤️ comment with your favorite one!

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Day 1: Bloom. Decided to take ‘s Quarantober drawing challenge! Thanks for giving us some inspiration in this chaotic time! This will be so much fun!!

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When your husband reveals what Pokémon he thinks you are. He said because it’s cute, but doesn’t Espurr always look either confused or like its seen something horrifying....? Which Pokémon are you?

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Decided to record all the weird things Nik and I see while antique and thrift store perusing. Item on our list of “who the heck buys this?” A trendy Christian Rock Aerobics vinyl record. What a classic!

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Another item that I find is completely magical is my pair of scrubby rubber gloves. No idea why but they complete me. Do you have a favorite cleaning tool?

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Doodles things that I find magical. One of them being toe beans. Like if you find tiny beans to be charming!

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No real reason for this other than I want a pair of overalls, so I drew on them on a chonk of cat. Like, if I should get my own overalls!

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I love practicing on these challenges! And I especially enjoyed the challenge by . She has such a talent for light and color it’s amazing! Thanks for letting me participate!

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Happy Birthday to the most handsome safety guy in the whole world! Can’t imagine my life without you, thank you for being born! ❤️

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Sorry I’ve been so absent lately! But there is a good reason; we’re moving on to a new state, new job and a new adventure! Indianapolis here we come!

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I find that doing these challenges actually really helps me discover my own style! Thanks .ferns for the challenge!

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I tried out another ! They are so much fun and there are so many amazing creators out there! Thank you so much for the challenge!

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