Gogo will be gone forever, unless you save him. 13 hours left. https://t.co/PRolTMQ0K2

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O grupo de aventureiros que eu desenhei pro Dungeon Architect, nosso jogo da Ludum Dare 50! 🎲 hehehe

Nele você tenta atrasar o inevitável, construindo os dungeons + demorados de explorar que conseguir.

🎮Saiba mais e jogue no link >> https://t.co/pQ1ByZ0ZwN

2 5

Ok we did what we could with the time restrictions of the game jam but it's a complete game! Play Pizza Gal here https://t.co/4wR3KBmBSK

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We made a game in 3 days called [Don't] Prune The Money Tree for Ludum Dare 50!

Feat. coding by me, art by , and music by Aidan Jones.


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Stuck in with the COV this weekend so entered - here's the sketcheroos, have to dump the final one before midnight or i will turn into a tunnocks-t-cake.

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I've finished my game for 50!! Check it out here and please give it a rating if you're able!


45 159

Day 1 of over, appears I'm making a game about throwing boxes around 🤷‍♂️

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(repost) title screen of a previous entry :)

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Not my best LD results but for me it's about the experience, not numbers :)

How about you guys?

6 18

There is only one week left to vote in Ludum Dare. If you have a moment, consider playing Home Tripper which is a short and fun visual novel about talking AI appliances. I contributed the artwork.😁


5 1

Our Ludum Dare entry "Cargo Breaker" is now available to play in your favorite web browser!


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Cargo Breaker is now available to play in your web browser!


3 6

Just uploaded Fire Risk, my Ludum Dare 49 game. A platformer game where you have to melt your way to the bottom of an ice covered level as a fire elemental.

Game Page https://t.co/Vyhx14M9Iy
Ludum Dare Page https://t.co/xviOjdbSq8

1 16

Finally we're here with full enough and stable version of "Snatched". It's really challenging, so try it yourself!

7 10

WIP of the new catemaran with sails that react to wind. Now I don't need to look at the debug lines any more to see the wind direction :D Continuing the stream in a few minutes! w

2 49

90% of the game for GameJam is ready. Polish a bit and it's ready-to-go! Our first-ever participation, and that's goin' to be really cool!

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Here is my game called "Y". It is a completely text-less adventure, where you need to figure everything by yourself.
There is not a single word in the game, only symbols.


13 86

Just heard about the and I absolutely don't know if I'll be able to make something in time, but I'd like to try for once...

1 28

I'm adding li'l dogs into my jam game, and specifically adding my dog Hadron. He's a retired racing greyhound so he has ear tattoos, and nobody is gonna notice them but I'll know they're there

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