An Even Vaster Waste Land? - Featured on the cover Forbes, May 24, 1982. For sale on the website and in the shop. 😍

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Is there ever a time when Uncle Sam doesn't want taxes? Plan your retirement.

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Owning a business can sometime feel like being in a rollercoaster. Hopefully with the right people and tools in place, it will be a fun ride.

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Created in 1997 for Commcorp (Equipment Financing) advertisement. The original is for sale and the art is for lease. Contact Us.

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State of the State was published in the fall of 1989 in an unknown publication. Original is for sale. Contact me for more information.

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Created and published for National Lampoon in 1979. There are two more pieces but due to adult content, can't post. I have the tear sheet. This originals are for sale if you want to see more of this series contact me.

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Good Morning! If you can, with a mask, enjoy the sunshine, the flower and hopefully a beautiful day.

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My Dad was the artist who died in 2017. I am in the construction industry but now am trying to sell his art. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Follow me and I will follow you.

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Thankfully there is video conferencing on Zoom. This art could be used to advertise Zoom's service.

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I like abstract work for the colors and shapes.

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Birds singing on Sunday morning, nice way to start the day.

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