and finally my boy

please help him he's seen too much

4 17

i think rootpaw is my favorite of the new trio

43 332

full body sketch for my Bristlefrost design just b/c I really wanted to draw it before I do her family lineup
I think I'm gonna mess around a lil bit more with her cheek fur shape as I refine this design more

28 191

ShadowPaw from the newest arc of Warrior cats. It's the first arc i read when it first releases so i'm pretty excited for the second book.

0 1

SPOILERS // Finally got around to drawing the new protagonists for The Broken Code! I love these idiots so much and I hope they get to interact more as a group in the rest of the arc!!

1 6

it's been years since I read warrior cats, I gave Lost stars a shot and... yep these are cliché teenagers but they're really cool so HERE YOU GO lost stars kids w/ bramblestar's ghost
I really like rootpaw so far

2 10

bristlefrost, rootpaw, shadowpaw. Really digging the new protagonists so far

56 266

rootpaw and his huge gf and smol bf

28 170



He had never been more grateful for his connection to StarClan.

28 148

A drawing of Shadowpaw. He's turning out to be quite an interesting character, I can't wait to read more of him.

0 2

finished the new warriors book and drew the new trio!!
from left to right bristlefrost > shadowpaw > rootpaw

94 422

I won't comment in case people don't want spoilers, I'll just let the art speak for itself if you've read the book! lol

27 233

(finishes reading lost stars) cool! but what if it was gay

10 63