Character commission for lg8678
Oleg Tsoy, digital (clip studio paint), 2022
You can see full images and support me on Patreon or order commission through Ko-fi (link in bio)

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lu lu lu… ajdjkansjwkqkqkkq

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これがKUTULU……! サンプルシナリオがちゃんと良いサンプルになっているシステムって、良いですね。

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Aku ramal…sekarang ini aku ngantuk…krn semalem bobok jam 1 malem,bangun subuh,ndak bobok siang…aku bobok dulu,kamu boleh kolek dulu…nite nite 🌚


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“Bitch… Lu…cy…” — Scarlet Valentine, chapter 50

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Well…if you have Hulu…that’s your assignment for the weekend 😁

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Wonder what will happen? Bet she passes you Luca, most aren’t attracted to 8ft Amazonian bombshells and Maybe she’s a necrophiliac… yea… I doubt it too but, I can have hope can’t I Lu… and it’s gone… my hope,.. yep gone

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I’m sorry Riolu…but the heart wants what it wants. T-T

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Revisiting an assignment from my character design class. Far from perfect but it’s really cool to see the improvement! Swipe to see the full body, the previous version, and a bonus in-between pass!

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Adding color to this drawing isn’t going to improve Bot 39’s chances.
prompt: “squash” and challenge.
Here is Robot Head 039.

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I dont reallu…. Like any of the characters all that much💔 there’s Vil shes my girlboss and Malleus is there too

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Omg you’re so skrunklu….. scrim love……

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Dulu… masuk stream orang, nyapa baik baik malah ditanya “Kamu siapa?”
Sekarang… masuk stream orang, nyapa dihuhahuhain wwwwww

Jangan makasih terus terusan karena Mine dah mampir, justru Mine yang seneng kamu tau Mine dan nyambut Mine dengan antusias. You made my day ❤️

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