He quells his age
In rooms of fog
Remembers well
The fattened dog

Hull aflame
By Luftwaffe
Working hands

Distant past
Comes to life
Half a man
Without his wife


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Luftwaffe field division lass

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Secret Luftwaffe: Junkers EF.130 was a flying wing powered by four BMW 003 turbojets mounted side-by-side above the ventral trailing wing edge

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Prussia in historical Luftwaffe uniform. This artwork is a little bit darker than what I usally draw😇 but I think this suits him.

Buy my art on Redbubble etc:

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In the latest issue of "AIR International" magazine, you can read my report & see my images of the exercise SNAP (Significance of National Air Power) 2020 which was held at Air Base, on 8 and 9 September 2020.

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16 December 1944. Beginning of The Battle of the Bulge (also known as the Ardennes Offensive and the Von Rundstedt Offensive). To support the offensive, the Luftwaffe had assembled some 2,460 combat aircraft, including 1,770 single-engine fighters.

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The Dornier Do 23 started out life as a transport/mail-plane in the late 1920s, but it soon became the first medium bomber to equip the new Luftwaffe, in the mid 1930s. Several aircraft were still giving valuable service (as trainers for bomber pilots and crews), well into WW 2!

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The 'Emergency Fighter', that was never called up.
The Miles M20, a simple (but heavily armed) fighter, designed to supplement RAF Hurricanes and Spitfires in 1940, should Luftwaffe bombing destroy their factories.
Government ingenuity and planning, (😲) meant it was not needed.

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오늘은 kriegsmarine하고 luftwaffe를 그려야겠습니다.

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Auch mal hier einige Eindrücke, welche unser Fotograf heute in der Luft während der Übung schießen konnte. die 707 als Tanker der und vom

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This Spitfire diagram appeared in the Illustrated London News on 24 August 1940 as the Battle of Britain was still being fought.

One month later the Luftwaffe would attack and destroy the Supermarine factory in Woolston where the Spitfire was designed and first built.

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Me-262 pilot 👩🏻‍✈️
(Character design based on Hanna Reitsch, World war 2 Luftwaffe test pilot)
Disclaimer: for character design purpose only, i do not support any violences occurred in the war ✨

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