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Este Pokémon de leyenda tiene su origen en la fundación de la misma Roma. ¡Haced de ella una poderosa aliada en vuestros combates!
¡¡Y si llegamos a 100❤️ soltaremos al siguiente inicial!!
-Artwork por @wingsdragon_art
-Boceto por @SmeargzA
Lupercalia was an ancient Roman tradition, it was a predecessor of valentine's day of sorts
#GoodOmens #aziracrow #Aziraphale #Crowley
Here's @deemendesart doing her thing at Lupercalia 🤣
Go follow her now!
Her artwork & performances are to die for.
"ugh, siempre me sacas de quicio, pero no puedo evitar querer este sin sentido"
feliz día de lupercales!💖💖🐶🐐
Happy & safe Lupercalia from all of us here at TST NYC!
Love Yourself, Hail Thyself!
Good Morning Heathens! Today is Lupercalia! I hope you will make the most of it by eating, drinking, howling at the moon and fighting for your bodily autonomy! "One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone."
Hail Satan! Hail Yourself!!
Happy Lupercalia / Valentine’s Day / Horny Werewolf Day! You don’t have to be a fan of romance to sink your claws into WEREWOLVES VERSUS: ROMANCE, our 176-page PDF of thematically relevant of #werewolf fiction, comics, and art.
Il s'agit de commencer la nouvelle année romaine, le 1er Mars, débarassé de toute impureté. Les Lupercales s'inscrivent dans ce calendrier de purification, en l'honneur du dieu Pan (=Faunus) mi-homme mi-bouc, dieu de la nature, protecteur des bergers et des troupeaux.
Suite ⤵️
Da oggi per tre giorni festeggiamo il Dio Fauno.
#diegogabriele #lupercaria #luperco #lupercalia
It’s the Lupercalia tomorrow!
I wrote a little thing about it on Instagram because Twitter is too short for how amusing I find this festival.
Here’s another illustrations, which you can find in the shop)
#FolkloreThursday ❤️
On February 14th - 15th the ancient Romans also celebrated Lupercalia revering Lupercus also known as Faunus meaning “The Wild One.” It's kin
Fauna meaning “Good Goddess."was the 'keeper of Mysteries,' (women only event.)
We are kicking off our Lupercalia Art Auction benefitting TST & the Religious Reproductive Rights Campaign! First item is:The Voyeur
Dimensions:13x9 in
Bidding starts at $50
Please place your bids in the comments!
I felt a bit soppy at the weekend, and aside from one-and-a-half Lupercalia cards I illustrated three Valentines, including this Eros playing a Flute inspired by a C5th BCE Athenian red-figure lekythos ❤️