Beautiful manuscript from Capriola Lute book. Discovered this in Sarah Mead's talk Why Josquin? Available to watch until 31/10.

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Lut les gens! je m'amuse à refaire les titres de mes lives Twitch

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26 197

Lut Day1お疲れ様です、素敵な時間をありがとう


77 410


0 3

S'lut !
QUIZZ : trois références sont à trouver dans ces cases de la page 4 !
Mon projet "Frère cheval" une aventure de

SYT (see you tomorrow) Winking face

0 1

Lut les gens! Aujourd’hui en live je me suis amusé. Je pense que vous comprendrez très vite le principe.
Essayez vous aussi. A plus!

1 4

Lut les gens! Je recommencé à bosser sur mes vieux OC du lycée pendant mes vacances.

0 1

Kak-whan-u-ghat kig-u-lu'-nik, or just akh'lut, is a terrifying hybrid of wolf and orca among frozen Arctic American coast. It launches itself out of the water and become a wolf; in the water it becomes an orca, thus becoming an apex predator of land and sea.

14 65

y'all ever get bored on a sunday and add color-grading LUT support to your primary viewport shader?

22 340

My contribution. Really felt like redrawing and elaborating on some characters. He’s some kind of weird satyr demon and still doesn’t have a name. He’s a $lut and had a kid that I’ve drawn before and possibly more

1 1

So in the story of Lut are u telling me these guys were trying to rape the angels that were his guests. I mean... *looks at angels* i- i have a few follow up questions

4 46

Oiê, eu sou a Lut! Eu faço umas fanarts, ilustrações originais e pretendo fazer quadrinhos algum dia (‘ ∇‘ )

5 16

TFW you break the link to your LUT and the raw textures turn your Breath of Fire homage into Aliens Vs Predator (vs Dragons?)

0 17

Lut les gens! Je tenais juste à vous faire savoir que les pages avancent bien (mais je fais tellement attention à tout!)

0 4

Salam semua warga .Pesanan ringkas hari ni bertajuk armrest/cushion utk pergelangan tangan. Ni utk elakkan kena Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CPS). Sakit dia Ya Rabbi, kdg2 makan ubat pon x lut.Boleh beli wrist rest ni sbelum sakit.Prevention better than cure😃😃

88 101

I don't know how Maya's attribute transfer works, but I'm assuming it doesn't map exactly?

One way I've used before in a pinch is using "UV indirection" - using a LUT to remap one UVmap to another:

1: Different UVs
2: Bake UVs to a texture
3: Run UVs through the LUT to remap

0 3

Yaay! It's
Hi, I'm Lut! I do digital illustrations and I'm hoping to become a comic artist someday. These are my favorite paintings, hope you like it! ☺️

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